Qualities in Horror

Many adjectives can be used to describe the qualities in and of horror works, but they can be mainly categorized as these few. When you’re getting into a piece of horror, there are usually one or more qualities you’re particularly seeking or that would entice you regardless.

Now, let’s see what they’re essentially about.

When a piece of horror is shocking or has a shocking quality, we are impacted, we are startled, and we are moved. Whether by noise or by visuals that come suddenly or vividly. Something that was beyond our expectations, that took us by surprise and we were not prepared to smoothly process. Being shocked is one of the experiences that draws people to horror. The not knowing what is going to happen and how it is going to happen - and being hit by something “unthinkable” or “unbelievable”. It might steal our sleep or just a few seconds of our normal functioning until we finally come to terms with and accept exactly what scarring events happened.

Because there is so much that we do not know nor understand, we may feel a pull toward the unexplored and the unexamined. The unknown and the misunderstood, as well as that which confuses us. Little by little, bit by bit, step by step, inching closer and closer. Perhaps reluctantly and hesitantly, with caution but curiosity as well. New and different things show themselves. Hints, clues, and elusive data grab our attention. There may be foreshadowing as well. Where what we encountered at the beginning later makes sense with what we encounter next. Revealing new areas and dimensions. Pushing the limits as we are taken further down and through the creeping story.

We are fascinated as the pieces come together, fitting perfectly or in a manner that we would not have imagined. In an order that is impressive, or astonishing, or mind-blowing. How it is all threaded together, making one part a part of the other part. We may stand in awe and marvel at the intricacies and artfulness of all. Or, alternatively, it is simply an odd or unusual touch that can be appreciated as clever or outstanding in some other sense. Perhaps something that makes you see in a novel way or something that is novel in itself. Could be eccentric or unorthodox.

Although it may come as a guilty pleasure, excitement can be found in horror. Maybe you’re rooting for the good guys or maybe for the bad ones. Or maybe the scenario and the story are keeping you on your toes, eager to see what’s next - whether it is disappointing or not. Pacing may have something to do with it, but also stimuli. It is a ride and a wild one at that. Anticipation is linked with satisfaction, which is again linked with more anticipation, and so on. Sitting back and being nonchalant about what’s happening isn’t a sustainable state when what’s in front of you keeps getting a rise out of you. 

For those that crave a mental challenge, who yearn for some brain exercise, blood and guts alone won’t do. There has to be more to it. Something to solve. Something that puts thinking to the test. You may try to figure things out ahead of time, speculate and theorize, or meticulously gather the pieces to form the picture, but you might still be surprised by what escaped you - if not at a loss for possible answers. Yet, you get to ask why, how, when, where, and what in an attempt to get it.  

Whether intended as comedy and considered as such or not, certain aspects of horror (or in the middle of it) can provoke a smirk, a chuckle, or even a laugh. Or merely a tilt of your head while you stoically recognize something absurd or something clever. The creatures may look or act ridiculously or the situation the protagonists are caught up in is so unbelievable it strikes you as funny. That or humor is intentionally inserted when given the chance. But it might also be a case of being so bad that it becomes a joke.

  Which qualities do you most seek?