Messages in Horror

We know horror as the genre for the thrills - to be scared, enticed, shocked, astounded, and more. But is there more to it? Yes.

As with most, if not all genres, horror is a means to carry and deliver a message (or multiple ones). Intentionally or not. These messages can go from personal, political, philosophical, and religious to a mix of them and beyond. May be explicit or implicit, pronounced or subtle, clear or obfuscated, complete or in pieces. You may have to rack your brain to get it (if it doesn’t go over it) unless it crudely and blatantly shakes and smacks you with its truth.

Horror, though, being such, is particularly suited for unpleasant truths. What you fear and would rather not face, but might eventually have to. And better not be too late once you do. Horror instead runs counter to coddling with pleasantries. In fact, it often aims to be as brutal as it can possibly be in order to impact and evoke a reaction. Cruel even. So you have to be careful if you’re in a vulnerable state and cannot properly handle it.

Regardless, it has merit for going into and covering topics that other genres cannot or will not take on. Topics that, at one point or another, must be addressed. And the theatrics of the genre, whether they’re exaggerated or accurate, serve to further illustrate what is or could potentially be involved (mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, within, and without). Or at least, the thorough works do. What you do with that, then, is on you.

Typically, the messages in horror tend to relate, but are not limited, to the following:

Abuse and neglect.
Twistedness and derangement.
Evil and malice.
Scheming, manipulation, and deceit.
Naivety and ignorance.
Difficult dilemmas and choices.
Desperate measures.
Wounds, injuries, pain, suffering, misery.

When these messages come up, they may speak to you and/or about you. You may even feel attacked and/or exposed if not glad to be challenged and/or relieved to be seen. But perhaps they have little or nothing to do with you and your life as a whole, though allow you to ponder and reveal more of the topic they pertain to. Whatever the case, you can choose to pay attention to catch them or consume horror on a more casual level. 

  Do you learn from horror?