Shadow Work III

How do you get to it? How do you do the so-called shadow work? You can start by reading our previous articles on it:
Shadow Work I and Shadow Work II. Also, you can read Light Vs. Dark for even more information related to it. And continue reading here...

Ways to do Shadow Work
There are various ways to engage in and practice shadow work, some may even operate by default in some people. A few of the main ones would be the following:

Dream Interpretation
Some are more able than others to have dreams while they’re asleep and remember them upon waking up - a few to an extraordinary degree. And while there are plenty of claims that dreams are “completely random” and “don’t mean anything”, that doesn’t really appear to be the case. Maybe they don’t mean as much as some would say, always being prophetic or referencing something important. But they often grant glimpses into what the subconscious has picked up and processed, which is far more than what the conscious mind has - especially if you’re highly intuitive and/or empathic. They may also let you see into repressed fears, wishes, and truths. Sometimes, dreams provide answers to problems or even come up with complete works that can be brought to reality. Certain dreams may also be restorative or injurious to your psyche. They might even point you toward an object or a place in reality that holds more information for you. So, if you’re doing shadow work, dismissing them would be unwise. Instead, pay attention to them and try to see if they’re telling or showing you anything that should be tended to. Generic interpretations of dreams aren’t very reliable as dreams can be extremely subjective and manifest according to the person’s own database and associations they are likely to make. You could start a dream journal, but taking the time every time to ponder them for at least 3-5 minutes (if there’s anything to ponder) will also do.

Signs & Divination
Whether it is possible to receive messages intentionally sent from beyond or not is questionable and debatable. However, what is certain is that life and the universe (as another living organism) are full of patterns and archetypes that are perceivable even by our limited brains and abilities to accurately capture and organize information. These patterns and archetypes, when not too obvious or we miss them despite being in plain sight, can be accessed through noting signs and performing divinations. Signs are hints that, if collected and put together, may form a bigger picture to describe and explain phenomena. Whereas divination, if using effective tools, can introduce you to patterns and archetypes you weren’t already fully aware of and stimulate you to realize more of what could be happening in a given situation. They can be very hit-or-miss. But that’s how it is when you’re shooting in the dark, attempting to reveal what’s there. It can be tricky and quite maddening, so it is not generally advised. However, if you’re able to remain grounded and discerning, there’s little to no risk in it.

Making & Appreciating Art
Art - particularly abstract, surreal, and symbolic art - has a tendency to reflect more than it would seem at first glance. The artist might even be putting more into it than they recognize or intend to, showcasing more about their observations, experiences, and character than they signed up for. Unless their work is more calculated and impersonal than spontaneous and personal. Yet, in either case, something could still slip in. Ascribing and projecting meaning into artworks that are far or off from their origins, however, is a common occurrence. Then again, even this “mistake” offers you an opportunity to look further into yourself. What stands out to you? What is calling you? What resonates with you? What meaning are you most inclined toward accepting? If you start making and appreciating art for what it carries instead of solely for “quality” standards, you might be surprised by how much it can move and awaken in you.

Guided Meditation & Hypnosis
This is where it goes as deep as it can go. If you can pull it off. Guided meditations and hypnoses that take you down your history and into your subconscious can be perplexing or even shocking, depending on what you hold there and how masterfully the trip is driven. The things that you ignored and the things that you buried, they’re all there, waiting for you. And facing them, acknowledging them, coming to terms with them, and releasing or integrating them, makes you come back up a different person. Lighter, with less baggage. Possibly evolved, too. But going down may not be easy; it can be scary and even dangerous. And much like cleaning up your closet, it could make worse of a mess if you don’t do it properly and stop halfway. Therefore, it is important to be careful. Make sure you’re committed to seeing it through and that you’re putting it in hands of someone qualified, with your best interests at heart, when attempting this.

Metacognition is a talent that can be tapped into, but also a skill that can be developed. Basically, you can get into the habit of detaching enough to watch your behaviors, your thoughts, and your feelings, but not enough to be disconnected from them. This can be while they occur or later on, taking a moment to contemplate them. In time, you’ll be able to trace them with ease to their root motivations and ultimate purposes. But learning about yourself in this way is ongoing, for we’re always changing, growing, and evolving. Acting and reacting differently in different circumstances. If you’re fine with losing impulsivity and becoming more deliberate and in control of yourself, this is for you. Actively and constantly inspect why and how you do things.  

All of these, and more, can be directed toward shadow work. So that you can see the sides and aspects of yourself that you’re currently blind to.

If you’re interested in learning more about shadow work, you can do more research and seek trustworthy sources that won’t misinform you. More articles on the topic may be released here, at HorrorSerum, too.

  How do you engage in and practice shadow work the most?