Light Vs. Dark

The fight between light and dark may be infinite. And by the same token, forever relevant…

“Light” and “Dark” have been used in countless instances as analogies and metaphors, along with in a quite literal sense, pinned against each other, in a battle for dominance. Which would win? Which is the most powerful?

The two forces can be extremely contrasting, composed of much on each side (including formidable and fearsome creatures). How strong they are and how able to consume one another depends on the situation and the circumstances, with various factors to consider. But essentially, they both stand a chance to overcome the other. And that’s both relieving and concerning.

Generally speaking, and especially in the philosophical and psychological realms, “Light” is associated with positivity, brilliance, clarity, revealing, outlining, including, etc. While “Dark” is associated with negativity, blindness, confusion, hiding, omitting, excluding, etc. Nevertheless, things are more complex than that and not as unambiguous - as certain elements may overlap and intermingle with others. Context matters. As does nuance. You can imagine more associations (along with associations to those associations) and what else they all imply.

Basically, however, they tend to refer to that which can be easily seen and that which can not. Consequently, as we normally favor the familiar, what lies on one end is more likely to be accepted than what lies on the other. And subjectively or objectively, evilness may as well be attributed to either, given the disruptive and conflicting natures that are bound to harm and destroy in one way or another, to a small or a large degree.

It is much like the popular categorization of magic as light magic and dark magic. The latter has worse connotations than the former and is assumed, often accurately, to tamper with the forbidden for ulterior motives. Whereas light magic evokes sentiments of harmony and union, of permissible actions. One bad, one good. Yet, it is not always that black and white. And coming against as rivals, either can be viewed as a threat or an enemy, as the culprit of what is wrong and runs counter to what is right.

Regardless, when light triumphs over dark, it is usually an awakening. A dawning of brighter times. Whereas, when dark triumphs over light, it is usually a descent. The damnation to twisted times. However, any may play a hand toward either result.  

There is both light and dark in all of us and in the world that surrounds us. This principle is exemplified and widely made visible by the YingYang and explored by numerous disciplines. Believing otherwise, that one is pure light or pure dark, is denial with rare (mostly fictional) exceptions. Most of us sit somewhere in between and some nearing the edges with hints of the opposite. And what may seem as the totality of someone, may only be a thin coat covering up their reality.

If you’ve personally grown accustomed to perceiving yourself a certain way, facing the contrary can be challenging (to say the least). But unless you do so, you won’t be in full awareness and control of yourself. You won’t be channeling your energies at your will. They will rule you and use you as their channel instead, with any opening they can find, permeating over you and your actions. Something similar can be said about acknowledging or failing to acknowledge the light and the dark in others and in what surrounds you - how you prepare for and handle what’s on your way is on the line. 

But then again, they say that ignorance is bliss.
Yet, they also say that knowledge is power…

  Are you mostly made of dark or of light? Where do you dwell the most, in the dark or in the light? What do you bring?