Hunting for Easter Eggs in Media

Related to Encrypting and/or Decrypting Messages and with Easter coming up, I wanted to talk about Easter eggs. I mention them often because I’m often looking for them and wondering if things are there for a reason or not, so why not get further into the topic?

Wikipedia has a concise description of what Easter eggs are: “An Easter egg is a message, image, or feature hidden in software, a video game, a film, or another, usually electronic, medium.”

So, while there’s the running joke that “It’s not that deep, fam.” And we make fun of people analyzing and overanalyzing artworks and more for hidden meanings in the details when there’s a chance that the artist behind it wasn’t even paying attention to them. And if they did, probably not to the same extent. It is undeniable that, yes, there are Easter eggs all around. 

You think you’re odd for putting them in your works or searching for them in others’ works? Think again. Most curious and creative folks are into that sort of stuff. And sometimes we can’t help ourselves. We go, “OoooOoOoOoh, wonder if someone will notice…” Or we do it merely out of self-expression, not quite minding whether they'll be noticed and by whom. And the rest is history.

You (2018-) [Season 1]

The magic of it is that most people won’t notice. So it’s like a secret waiting to be discovered by only those that truly look and see. For people who are extraordinarily perceptive or simply care enough to squint and pay extra attention. Or people that would just know that they’re in there, somewhere, and can easily spot them.

However, you can’t be mad if they are missed. Especially if they are hidden thoroughly. And especially during this age, when there’s an abundance of media to consume and a shortage of leisurely time for many (though procrastinators can and will procrastinate). So we must keep the Easter eggs accessible enough if we want them to be found and not be too disappointed or shocked if we make them so inaccessible that they aren’t.

Then again, I’m still surprised by the lengths some go to when they love a piece of media, obsess or hyper-fixate on it. Might even end up knowing it better than the creators of it do. Which then, can fuel creatives into being extra meticulous and intentional about everything that they put into their work. A task that is sometimes stressful, sometimes delightful to do. But ultimately, as a creative, you can always choose to make clear whether or not you’re the kind to hide Easter eggs in your works, and if so, which of your works might have them and which don’t. Or you just gain a reputation for it, kind of like how Mr. Night Shyamalan became known for his twists and Michael Bay for his explosions. So eventually, people know what to expect.

And speaking of knowing what to expect, what are common Easter eggs hidden in media? Usually, anything that can be overlooked but, if looked at closely, may make reference to something else or something more than what is mainly and obviously presented. It is in some way relevant to the story that is being currently told or to another in the past or that is to come in the future. Maddening, right? They can come in the form of:


So maybe that particular shade of green that doesn’t quite blend in with the rest of the colors doesn’t mean anything. But maybe it’s making a reference to something in particular. And maybe that big 6 just happened to be there. But maybe it’s hinting at another 6 elsewhere. And if you follow the trail to the other 6, you might find a word that can lead you to a song - and the Easter egg will finally pop open. You can’t ever be 100% sure with these things. That is unless they are bluntly confirmed by those behind them.

You (2018-) [Season 1]

What kind of freak goes through all this trouble? You may ask. Well, freak or not, it is something that fans or appreciators of the work normally do. And amongst them are people who are completely benign as there are people to be concerned about. For example, there’s the Selena incident most have heard about. Or despicable and unforgivable creeps like Joe in You. Or more likely, very persistent and invasive stalkers that, while they never literally lay a finger on you, would harass you to the point where you lose your mind, your life falls apart, and you'll still be trying to put all the pieces back together many years later. However, if you’re not like this, if you enjoy the work while being respectful of boundaries and watchful of discomfort, then you’re fine - you’re okay. You don’t have to think of yourself as too strange, nor as alarming. You can continue to enjoy Easter egg hunts with a clear conscience.

  How do you go about Easter eggs?