Scorpio, The Darkest Sign of The Zodiac

I’ve been waiting all year to write this article. And although in the course of the year I have expressed in several different ways my high esteem for Scorpio, albeit not as explicitly as I would now, I still have more left to say about the sign.

We’re just now entering the season of Scorpio and, quite fittingly, it coincides with October and Halloween. Scorpio is indisputably the darkest sign. Even though there’s a dark side to every sign, Scorpio is the one that makes itself the most familiar with darkness anywhere.

Given how much I like this sign and the traits that it bestows or that are attributed to it, this will be, in part, an appreciation post. So if you were born under this sign, have it on your birth chart, absorbed it throughout your life, or just happen to relate to its features regardless of whatever astrology has to say about it, this may speak to you.

And happy belated, timely, or in advance birthday to you, Scorpio children! Wishing you the best!

Escape Room (2019)

Before diving into it, however, I must set my disclaimers in regards to astrology as well as my introduction to it, as this might not be the last time I bring up Zodiac signs here and am likely to refer back to this piece in the future.

I approach astrology with skepticism, yet undeniably intrigued and fascinated by it. I’m not here to argue about whether or not astrology is real, but to look at its system and its symbols for what they mean and represent. Being that the case, I’m not telling you who you are. It’s on you to discern whether these things apply to you or not and how much or why. You can let it merely be a prompt to reflect on yourself - especially when the descriptions are general rather than specific to you and your unique configuration.

I have Scorpio in Mercury, Venus, and Pluto. And as I was telling a friend a while ago, while we were conversing about astrology, it is one of the top signs I appreciate on my chart, even if it comes with its downsides. And fortunately, I’m Sagittarian enough to counter extreme depths with a lighthearted attitude if it ever gets too heavy. Someone full of Scorpio, with little else to counter or balance it, would be one of the most intense and edgy persons ever. Not that I’m complaining - that makes for a cool character.

Escape Room (2019)

But let’s get to the basics of the sign of Scorpio. Scorpio is a water element of fixed quality sign. Water essentially represents feelings and intuitions. Fixed fundamentally refers to, well, fixation. This results in a sign that goes all-in with what takes its interest. I often hear fire signs referred to as passionate, but I think enthusiastic would be a better word for them - as I would reserve the word passionate for Scorpio. Yes, Scorpio, you also get the award for the most passionate sign of the Zodiac.

You see, with Scorpio, it is all-consuming. And it is enjoyed that way. If you’ve been reading or hearing about the sign, you might have encountered people describing it as being TOO MUCH for others, and how they supposedly need to learn to be more moderate. And in my opinion, that’d be sad. And a grave loss for the world. Because while there are people complaining about how this or that person was being too this or too that, there’s also people craving they could meet and be with someone who’d go further with things. Someone truly passionate. Be it about studies, work, romance, or what have you. (Of course, there are limits and boundaries to respect, but you know...)

Furthermore, as Scorpio is the sign that pushes beyond what is apparent, that isn’t satisfied with taking things at face value, they’re often credited for being the type to dare get into taboo topics, to be constantly drawn by them even. Typically, sex and death are examples of this, but anything forbidden or simply hidden would usually get its attention. This is yet another way in which the sign dwells in darkness. It penetrates into the most puzzling mysteries.

And speaking of darkness, Scorpio is always looking for the motivations and intentions behind everything. Along with how are things structured, what’s holding them together and in place. As if they have X-Ray vision or, as someone else creepily but cleverly put it, as if they dip everything into acid and then pull it out to see its skeleton. And if that’s not badass, I don’t know what is.

There is indeed a tendency to become cynical, but that’s only if the power of Scorpio isn’t fully harnessed. Or if there aren’t enough signs around it to help against that.

Metaphysically, Scorpio is about transcendent transformation. It’s about digging in as far down as you possibly can, getting right to the root, and turning it all around. It’s not surface changes, it’s destruction and creation. So, of course, it can be unnerving too. And something not everyone is ready for.

But to acknowledge less than spectacular traits, Scorpio has also gained a reputation for being particularly jealous and possessive. Which would make sense with how it’s both water and fixed. Can you blame it, though? If they invest themselves so much into someone, is it so bad to want the same in return? Not everyone desires a harem or to be caught up in a love triangle. Some would rather leave or take a break from the party for some 1-on-1 intimacy. But again, this will largely depend on the person and other factors playing a role.

Then, there’s vengeance. Which also has to do with how it’s both water and fixed. Scorpio is infamous for holding grudges and keeping resentment. Quite understandable at times, though. Justified even. So I’m not judging it for it. Just please make sure it’s not over an issue that could be resolved and that does not merit it.

  Are you a Scorpio or have Scorpio? What of this resonated with you?