
Horror is problematic. But what might be even more problematic is Anime. At times for reasons that I would agree with. And personally, I’m quite sick and tired of underage sexualization and harem-ish themes. (Or just the recurring phenomenon of there being a main protagonist that I can’t stand, taking the spotlight, while I am intrigued and fascinated by side characters that barely get any screen time.)

And yet, as annoying and frustrating as certain tendencies in anime can be, I am willing to overlook or tolerate them, sticking around for the sake of enjoying the rest of what they bring. And who knows? Maybe I’ll get lucky and stumble upon an anime full of all the things that I like and void of all the things that I dislike. That’s living the dream.

But am I proud to say that I watch anime? Heck, no. Not anymore. It’s not even a matter of feeling immature for it. It’s that it’s too often been taken, by both the creators and the audience, far outside what I’d consider tasteful. And believe me, I’m really not that easily disgusted.

I don’t want it banned, however. I don’t want it censored, either. And most definitely, I never sit through North American dubbed anime. Why? Because they change everything way too much. The dialog, the tone, the attitude. I still can’t believe they transformed modest and devoted Daidouji Tomoyo into a conceited and vain friend so that her intense admiration and affection for Kinomoto Sakura was nonexistent. And this is only one example out of countless. Also, dubs in general put me off. Give me things in their original language and with accurate subtitles instead. (Can’t speak for the nonsighted, though.)

Would I call it a guilty pleasure, then? Nah, I don’t feel guilt over it. It is what it is and, as with everything in entertainment, it’s on me to set apart the good from the bad and not let it brainwash me. Am I not concerned by the negative influence it may have on less experienced people, susceptible to it? I can only worry about so much at once so I’ll only say one thing:
Always use your brain!

Zombie Land Saga [Season 1] (2018)

With that said, anime is something I might never fully quit. There was a time in my life in which I watched one after another, consuming as much anime as I could and as quickly as I could. That was the frenzy of when I was new to the world of anime and wanted to explore as much of it as I possibly could - until I did that to the point where it got repetitive for me. Therefore, nowadays, I am more selective and paced when it comes to watching anime. And as you might have guessed, I am particularly focused on anime that contains horror.

Other than the fact that I appreciate looking at drawings and animations, which anime clearly provides in great amount and quality, there are various aspects of it that keep me coming for more. 

It’s not unusual in anime for there to be some noble and/or ambitious goal that drives the characters to do their best, which can be inspiring. It’s also not unusual for them to be over-the-top dramatic in their gestures and expressions, which can be hilarious. Plus, there’s Japanese scenery, which can be a delight.

And while I have a limit to how much fictional nonsense I can digest, I can’t deny that anime is outstanding for its novel concepts and it is part of what pulls me to it. A notebook that kills people when you write their names on it? That’s insane but I’d want to see how it goes. Death Note undoubtedly earned its success.

This, among more that’s difficult to pinpoint, makes anime worthwhile to me. But more than that, it’s something irreplaceable. And I’m glad that the horror genre is included in it, whether seriously, humorously, or both.

Zombie Land Saga [Season 1] (2018)

Zombie Land Saga. A group of girls was brought back to life, as zombies, so that they could be idols and save the... city? How absurd and ridiculous can anime get? Cynicism would say. But then you might find yourself rooting for them anyway. That’s the power of anime for you. And to be fair, it’s not completely impossible for a group of half-alive/half-dead girls to train themselves to make it on stage if they’ve got talent and determination. 

Talent and determination, a big theme in anime. May the characters' gifts and hard work make up for when luck isn't quite on their side as they go against the odds.

  Do you enjoy anime? What is it about it for you?