My Beginnings with Horror (Tales from The Crypt)

As much as I’d like to dive into various aspects of horror and can barely wait for it, it doesn’t feel quite right to do so before first covering how it all started for me, personally. What was the doorway that first led me into the realm of horror and what impact stepping through it had on me? How does it play out now that I write horror and about horror?

I must admit that, for me, it started early. Perhaps too early. I was merely a child (barely 5 years old) and, while I did have responsible caregivers that demanded I’d go to bed at 8:00pm and fall asleep within the hour, I disobeyed. I was too curious and too restless, and they didn’t know that. So, I waited until they were fast asleep, snoring even, exhausted from a busy day, and quietly got up from my bed to sneak out of the bedroom on my tiptoes and silently make it to the living room downstairs. There, I’d turn on the T.V., set the volume down, and watch the channels that I was not supposed to be watching. And that in itself was thrilling to me. Then again, I knew that they loved me too much to, if caught, do anything beyond asking what I was doing up and sending me back to bed, in a firm yet caring tone with only some mild scolding. So, in my little mind, I had a lot more to gain than I had to lose. But did it mess me up? Maybe. I definitely can’t recommend it. However, that’s how it happened for me.

Tales from The Crypt (1989-1996)

There was a show that I was especially drawn to, made by HBO: Tales from The Crypt. And soon enough, I was absolutely hooked by it. Everything about it from beginning to end both intrigued and fascinated me. Although, I did often cover my eyes. I had just arrived into the real and regular world, but seeing that insanely creepy and twisted stories also existed in it tripled my interest in staying for more. I wanted to keep discovering what was behind the curtains, what hid in the dark. And fortunately, for myself and for everyone else around me, I was also a naturally cautious kid - I never mindlessly tried anything too crazy. I did set an armchair on fire once, but nobody was harmed by the flames except for the chair and I learned my lesson shortly afterward - to never again burn anything indiscriminately.

I asked questions instead. Lots of them. And sought to understand what I had witnessed as fully as I could before anything else. Evidently, that brought me here, where, as an adult, I continue to be delighted to explore and study topics in depth, particularly taboo ones. Am eager to discuss them as well. You can call me a horror nerd.

Tales from The Crypt (1989-1996)

And yet, the question remains. Am I obsessed with horror because I watched this show during a critical stage in the formation of my brain, of my identity and worldview, so that it became the foundation of who I am and where I fit in the world? Or was I somehow inevitably destined to find something like it sooner or later, by being pushed or pulled by what did or didn't stimulate me, and realize that it suits me? I am inclined to believe that it has a bit of both. As the years pass, and I take different paths (and even get myself lost in them), this show continues to answer the question of what is it, really, that underneath it all, moves me. It seems silly to respond to existential questions with a piece of entertainment, but sometimes it is a piece of entertainment that contains the key elements to what you’re about. Nevertheless, we’re still multilayered beings, constantly creating and building ourselves with what we bring with us and what we go through, so there’s likely a lot more to all of us than whatever is at the bottom of our being. 

Tales from The Crypt (1989-1996)

In any case, though, I can’t deny that I freakin’ LOVE spooky storytelling. And Tales from The Crypt was stellar at that. Complete with 80's magic. I never got tired of its intro, either. HBO had some of the most amazing intros back then; they astonished me. The one they played at night before the round of feature films? Unforgettable. Clearly, I’m tainted by nostalgia but it remains a fact that they were great for their time. 

Ever since, I’ve seen various films and series tuck in several short stories of horror. Most of them can be entertaining, some noteworthy, and a few are either extraordinarily engaging or extraordinarily boring. I’m actually not always in the mood for this type of entertainment and prefer a longer story over several short ones, but they can be perfect for certain occasions. Namely, when you want to evoke that unique feeling of gathering around for storytime.

Recently, a film came out that came close to resembling what it felt like to watch Tales from The Crypt, without being a cheap imitation of it and standing alone with its own merits: The Mortuary Collection. That took me back... but also brought something new and different. Spectacular imagery. And so, so messed up. It’s a Shudder original and yet another of their works that make me think that these people truly treat the horror genre as a precious form of art.

Tales from The Crypt (1989-1996)

As for the extent of how far Tales from The Crypt resonated with and/or has affected me, it is yet to be seen. I wouldn’t say that I aspire to become a maniacal decayed corpse, filled with the strangest horror stories to tell, and run an unorthodox show. But at this rate, I might turn into something similar before I part. In the meantime and until stated otherwise, I’ll be your host on HorrorSerum. Stay tuned!

  What horror stories spoke to you and made you?